Sunday, March 30, 2008

AirPort Extreme de Apple with WiFi 802.11n and without foreign exchanges

The store online of Apple in Switzerland has been able to keep awake a product that or has enough time but that it had not received a change of design or characteristics. The AirPort Extreme is a small one to router WiFi that are connected directly to a plug, with entrance of audio, USB and cable of network that allows you to connect a HiFi equipment to do streaming with your iTunes or to share your WiFi.

Now it seems that the only change that Apple is going to introduce is to add to the new generation of WiFi 802.11n. This product took in I catalogue from June of 2004, already went being hour a change, but unlike many products almost he is unnecessary to change to the design, that if, that became thin would not be bad idea.

Buy from Amazon - Ipod Touch 16GB (Black)
Buy from Amazon - Archos 605 Wi-Fi 160 GB
Buy from Amazon - Creative Zen 16 GB (Black)
Buy from Amazon - Zune 80GB (Black)

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