Monday, February 4, 2008


This pen USB is the face of the thousands of fans of iPod for the whole world! Then it is not that it has the one format iPod in small e with olhinhos? The exterior part in silica is washable, not to have harmful damages to the health of pequenote.

If to the first sight penduricalho with the format of the more-that-everything of apple seems only one, what already of itself was sweet, here it is or else when if it opens say-whose and if it finds one there pen inside, ready to be used its bel-pleasure. Compatible with the Windows Vista and Linux, it is to the test of dust and one hundred for biodegradável center. It is good for knowing!

Something now total secondary: we do not know that capacity has these sweets, but that it interests this when can have in its power a rejoinder (almost) perfect of iPod U2? The price was still not disclosed!

Buy from Amazon - Ipod Touch 16GB (Black)
Buy from Amazon - Archos 605 Wi-Fi 160 GB
Buy from Amazon - Creative Zen 16 GB (Black)
Buy from Amazon - Zune 80GB (Black)

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