Friday, February 22, 2008

Geolocalization of photos with the GPS of Nokia

Something therefore was beginning to throw in lack, but Nokia this working very thoroughly to offer those small tools that make of the mark the unquestionable leader.

Nokia announced that at the beginning of this 2008 it would offer an update of software for the N82 with which would be able to label the photographies done with its camera with the exact location of where it became. Nonsingle it is an interesting utility for whatever it has east terminal, if not that is a full function of utilities, thousands of examples, but sites can exist as Flickr already allows to concern these data that keep in the EXIF from the photography and car to add the photo to a map, in the right site where it was taken.

It is not an invention of Nokia, far from it, it already exists something as this of the hand of Sony, a small GPS of pocket that you can be kept in any side that is keeping the information of where you are and that when you pass the photos to the computer, software adds to these photos the geolocalization.

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